Catherine Balavage is a writing machine. I had the chance to catch up with her recently and am amazed at how much she gets done. Catherine is the author of four non-fiction books and has two novels coming out in the next few months. She was also a judge for The Cornish Writing Challenge 2017 and edits and runs Frost Magazine, a brilliant resource for writers with plenty of guides and tips.

Q. What age did you start, seriously writing? What was the reason for doing so?

Catherine Balavage: I loved writing for as long as I can remember. I was a voracious reader. I got ill when I was a child and would read a book a day. I always wrote. I started with poems and then tried to write a novel. I got some writing published before I even hit my teens. Writing is my passion. I would do it if no one paid me, I would even do it if no one read it.

Q. Was being an author a long held ambition?

Very much so. But I put it off for a long time. I was not sure I had a book in me. Then I stopped making excuses and started to write.

Q. What were you doing before becoming an author? Tell us briefly about your career and if that set you up for a novel writing career?

I tried to be a journalist but there were no jobs going. I also realised I was not tough enough. There was no way I could door step people, or ask bereaved people certain questions. I went into acting but I always wrote and then became a theatre reviewer. I had a multitude of awful jobs after I moved to London. I have worked as a writer, reviewer, in PR and as an actress. They all set me up as a writer. Everything is connected to something else.

Did you study or take any writing courses?

I have done various writing seminars and workshops. All were very handy. I learned a lot.

Who are your favourite writers and why?

I guess with my favourite writers you never notice the writing. When I was younger I loved Roald Dahl, Beatrix Potter, and The Famous Five. I review books so I love so many writers. My favourites are Anne Tyler, Stephen King, and Maya Angelou. I also love Gillian Flynn. You learn so much from good writers. In fact, I believe the way to learn to write well is to read.

How do you come up with the idea for your books?

I think they just come to me. Sometimes it is through passion, or personal life experience. There is a need to tell a story and it goes on from there. I also get inspired by music.

Do you come up with the book title first or the idea first?

The premise. Although titles are a good way to set the theme.

What distracts you?

Mostly the proverbial pram in the hall. Although writing is the best career for motherhood, and I highly recommend it. Children add so much. Other than that: food, the internet, social media, books I want to read, tiredness. There is always an excuse, but there is also no excuse.

What’s the best time for you to write?

When my son is not hanging off me. Nap time is best for productivity. Writing is the best thing anyone can do with their lives. I love it so much. If you love it,never give up. Writers write.

Do you have a word count limit per day?

It changes but is between 1500-3000 words a day. Depending on the book. I always stick to it. Determination is key.

Do you have writing mentors?

Margaret Graham. A wonderful writer and superb human being. She has improved my life immeasurably. Check out her books. Her work is stunning.

How did you submit to your agent/ publisher?

I submit according to guidelines. I have been offered publishing deals in the past but decided against them. The novels will not be self published however. I tend to self publish non-fiction.

Did you read any ‘how to write a novel’ books?

Stephen King’s On Writing is a bible. I would recommend it for every writer. I have even bought it for writer friends.

Tell me about your writing processes.

It changes. My first book was in my head and it was just a case of writing. I would walk around until my son fell asleep in his pram. I would then go to a coffee shop and bang out 2000 words. My second I wrote as a script first. I highly recommend that. It is good for structure.

What is your office/ writing space like?

I write at a desk. Otherwise the toddler tries to take my MacBook down. I used to write in various places. Now it is pretty much either at the desk, or on my iPhone.

What are you favourite snacks while writing?


What’s the last book you read and loved? What’s the next book on your reading list? 

The Upstairs Room by Kate Murray-Browne. It was amazing and I highly recommend it. Next up is Milly Adam’s At Long Last Love.

What specifically do you find challenging?

Finding the time and editing. Rewriting is also tough. I find my eyes start to go a bit square.

Why your chosen protagonist?

I write strong female characters that are complex and human. They probably are autobiographical in some way. I guess most characters come from my personal experience, or things I have witnessed. They are a composition. The real truth is that as I write they develop a mind of their own. Sometimes I don’t even know where the story is going.

What’s the most euphoric moment in writing a novel/ book? 

When it is published. There are few feelings like it. It is just pure joy.

What books are on your ‘to read’ list?

Hard question. Milly Adam’s new book. Paula Hawkins new book. David Mitchells’s books. I have not read them yet and hear great things. I am also reading Sam Baker’s novels. She is very talented. I can recommend them.

What’s your take on writers block?

Just write. It doesn’t matter if it is not good. You can edit later. No other profession gives a name to their laziness. Professional writers write when they need to. Only amateurs write when they feel like it.

Have you had your ‘I’ve made it’ feeling yet?

Yes. With every published book, every person who tells me they loved one of my books, or that my book helped them. And with every good review.

How did you finance writing your novel?

Mostly by freelance writing. I also have a passive income from the books I have already written. I run my own online magazine Frost Magazine. I also do freelance PR. It all adds up.

What are the most important skills for a  book author to have?

A good work ethic. Just do it. You also have to be able to take rejection and keep at it. Do not give up.

How do you mentally prepare for the mammoth task of book writing? 

I try to exercise for an hour five days a week. I try to eat healthily but I love food too much. Oh well.

What tools do use for writing?

Pages on my MacBook and the notes section on my iPhone. Sometimes I even use pen and paper.

Can you talk about your cover letter for your book when sending it out on submissions?

I always do the submissions guidelines. It is best to tweak it for each submission. This is helpful:

Did you get many rejections? How do you cope/ handle rejection?

I used to be an actor. Rejection is easy for me. I don’t take it personally. I also pitch articles to magazines a lot. I just keep at it.

What next?

I have four books coming out in the next 18-24 months. Two novels and two non-fiction books. I am also a judge for the The Cornish Writing Challenge. Other than that it is freelance writing, motherhood, PR, and editing/writing for my online magazine Frost

Where can we catch you?

Please check out my books here:

And have a gander at Frost Magazine. There is a lot of information and tips for writers.



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